Author Archive

Libraries Lead The Way

Posted on: February 8th, 2016 by admin No Comments

Libraries continue to be a hot topic in the press and National Libraries Day on Friday was a timely reminder of the important role they play in communities across Scotland.

We have undertaken various pieces of work during the past couple of years involving libraries – each of them rewarding in different ways. Our consultation work with the public to gather their views on the role of libraries in future informed the development of the recent National Strategy for Public Libraries in Scotland.

People confirmed to us the important role that libraries play in so many people’s lives, and the evolving role of libraries to being community hubs offering a huge range of services.

For the past two years we have been involved with an innovative programme of leadership development in the libraries sector across the UK and Ireland. Carnegie UK Trust, with its long history of engagement with libraries, commissioned us to evaluate its Library Lab Programme which offered employees in the libraries sector a fabulous opportunity to take part in a leadership skills development programme over an 18 month period at the same time as undertaking a project with the support of a carefully selected mentor.

We are at the mid-way point now, and the call for applicants for the second cohort of participants is currently live on Carnegie UK Trust’s website.

Read our blog about our experiences of evaluating the programme here

Talk To Us About Stop And Search

Posted on: January 8th, 2016 by admin No Comments

We are currently undertaking qualitative research for the Scottish Police Authority on the public’s experiences of stop and search, and the impact of the policy on individuals and their communities. We are currently recruiting people to take part in the research. Please share the information below with anybody resident in the selected areas who may be interested in taking part.

Can you help us? Will you take part in research about the police’s stop and search practices?

£10 shopping voucher for every participant.
Blake Stevenson Ltd (an independent research company), is doing research for the Scottish Police Authority to find out what people think about stop and search in Edinburgh North and South, Glasgow South and East, and Dundee. Can you help us?

Who can take part:

If you are willing to take part, please contact Jessica on 0131 667 2919 or



Piloting The Place Standard Tool

Posted on: December 10th, 2015 by admin No Comments

The quality and design of a place has a significant impact on peoples’ lives. The Scottish Government, are amongst many who are focusing on the importance of maximising the potential of the physical and social structures in our communities to promote good health, wellbeing and a good quality of life.

In late summer we completed another interesting piece of work with Carnegie UK Trust on behalf of the Scottish Government; by piloting the Place Standard Tool which had been developed in collaboration with Architecture and Design Scotland and NHS Health Scotland. The piloting, with members of the community in Auchencairn, Belville in Greenock and Kirkcaldy helped us to assess the content and usability of the tool, and how well it was able to reflect diverse spaces.

The tool is designed to help structure discussions about place by considering questions around key themes such as the physical environment and social aspects of a place.

Today we joined a wide range of experts, community representatives and local authorities in celebrating the launch of the tool. Introductions from Sir Harry Burns and Alex Neil MSP reflected the importance of such an innovation – currently the first of its kind in the UK – and marked the start of what is sure to be an interesting period of development in understanding the impact of place.

More info: Place Standard Website

Church of Scotland

Posted on: November 13th, 2015 by admin No Comments

Scottish Government

Posted on: November 13th, 2015 by admin No Comments

Health and wellbeing

Posted on: November 13th, 2015 by admin No Comments

We work with an array of organisations involved with improving the health and wellbeing outcomes of communities and individuals.

This work can range from supporting the NHS to evaluate the impact of national and local programmes, to helping voluntary sector organisations assess the effectiveness of their programmes and projects.

Some of our recent work includes:

We’d love to hear your experiences of the justice system

Posted on: November 13th, 2015 by admin No Comments

We’ve been commissioned by the Scottish Legal Aid Board to carry out research into what happens when people end up in a civil dispute such as when there is an issue about the quality of goods or workmanship, or when money is owed.

These disputes can be something that people may sort out between themselves, with the support of others (such as Citizens Advice) or by going through the small claims process in a sheriff court.

Our research is looking at what makes people deal with their civil disputes in one way or another – such as going to court or not.

We are interviewing people in two locations, Tayside and Edinburgh, about their recent experience of a civil dispute, the steps taken to respond to it, and why those steps were taken.
We would really appreciate it if you could take part in an interview. The research will help to guide SLAB in steps they can take to ensure that people have a better experience of the justice system.

All interviews are by telephone, set at a time to suit you and typically last 15-20 minutes. Information provided will be treated anonymously.

Please let us know if you’d be willing to Take Part

About Blake Stevenson

Posted on: November 13th, 2015 by admin No Comments

For more than 30 years we have been providing high quality research and support to organisations and communities across Scotland and the wider UK. Our team is highly experienced and delivers high quality outputs for our clients. Feel free to contact us for a chat about the work you are considering commissioning.

Contact Details

Posted on: November 12th, 2015 by admin No Comments

Contact us

We are always happy to have an informal chat about any project or ideas you would like to discuss with us, so please get in touch.

Postal Address: 22 Stafford Street Edinburgh EH3 7BD
Call: 0131 667 2919


Posted on: November 12th, 2015 by admin No Comments